Upcoming campaigns
Currently, there are no upcoming campaigns
At the moment, we have not yet announced the dates for our upcoming campaigns. They will be posted here as soon as they become active. Please check back soon for exciting news! 😊
While waiting for our next campaigns, we invite you to take an active part in our recycling initiatives. Drop off caps, bottles, or cans at our designated locations. Stay informed about our news and support us by ordering some of our unique products. Thank you for your engagement and support!
About Us
The organization was founded in October 2017 by Lazar Radkov (in the photo). The goal of the campaign is to collect caps, hand them over to recycling facilities, and use the funds raised to purchase incubators and ambulances subsequently.
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Contact Us
We would love to hear from you!
Don't hesitate, send us an email with your questions
087 600 4708